IPL-Intense Pulse Light Laser

As the population ages, ever-increasing numbers of people are interested in improving their appearance. IPL technology can be used to help restore the skin’s youthful appearance. IPL technology improves the appearance of photoaged skin, removes age spots (sun-induced freckles), most benign brown pigments, and redness caused by broken capillaries through a process called photorejuvenation for face and body. The process is ideal for patients with active lifestyles because the procedure requires no downtime and has a low risk of side effects.

The gentle, non-ablative treatments use broad spectrum light to treat the face, hest, neck and hands—virtually anywhere that sun damage shows. Before and After Photo’s: http://www.almalasers.com/harmony_xl_photos.jsp

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses laser light — an intense, pulsating beam of light — to remove unwanted hair. Laser hair removal works by passing a light beam through the skin. The laser targets dark pigment, called melanin, in hair. When the light beam hits the hair follicle (where hair growth originates), the intense heat destroys the hair follicle instantly.

In most cases, laser hair removal slows hair regrowth, but it takes several treatments to provide an extended “hair-free” period.